Crystal Healing is also known as Lithotherapy (From the Greek lithos (stone)).
Crystals, minerals and gemstones have extremely stable crystalline structures. The atomic structure tends to follow a spiral pattern which acts like batteries in series. Each atom has energy, putting all the atoms in series allows the energy to build up and be very focused.
The energy produced by crystals/minerals/gemstones is called piezoelectricity.
Crystals, minerals and gemstones also produces far-infrared energy. Far-infrared energy penetrates up to 4cm into the human body. This causes the body to produce more heat. The heat moves into the crystal/mineral/gemstone, exciting the atoms in the stone and so, more far-infrared energy is produced and the cycle continues for the duration of the healing work.
Each crystal/mineral/gemstone sends out a very specific "message" based on the chemical composition, atomic makeup, crystalline structure and colour/s. Through the far-infrared and piezoelectric processes the messages are radiated into the body and delivered to the cells and tissues, and from there, sent through the rest of the system through the meridians, the nervous system and other body system pathways.
Crystal Healing supports both acute and chronic conditions. It is wonderful for reducing stress and anxiety. It can be used as a good pre- and post-operative care. Crystal Healing activates and supports the body's natural self-healing process by bringing in stability where it is needed, be it physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.
As with any other holistic healing it is important to note that the recipient become his/her own powerful healer. The Crystal Healing Facilitator (person conducting the work) is not the healer, but the facilitator. The facilitator does not remove energy, instead s/he facilitates the transformation and transmutation of energy. Healing is all about the client taking responsibility for self... therefore the recipient is seen as the healer.
Crystal Alchemy Notes:
- 8:50 - Some crystals are light sensitive and can lose colour, lustre and vibrancy if left in the sun too long.
- 9:12 - Some stones can be damaged by water and will damage even easier when placed in salt water. Placing an Opal in Salt, for example can change the structure of the stone and leave you with a different stone.
- 9:27 - Brown rice is an easy and safe technique for cleansing crystals. Personally I have a large dish with small Citrine and Hematite chips that I used to cleanse my stones.
- 10:35 - Some stones can have chemical reactions when placed in the sun or when placed in water, rendering the water unsafe to drink. Please ensure that the stone is safe to place in water before making an elixir (spirit water)
- 18:29 - Pendulums can be held in the dominant or non-dominant hand. Generally the non-dominant hand is suggested as it is not as easy to influence the result of the pendulum swing. There are some "finger modes" that can be used to ensure that you don't influence the reading.
If you are unsure, contact a qualified and experienced Crystal Healing Facilitator.
Crystal Alchemy Notes: